“The Teasdale Album” Released

The Teasdale Album

After 15 years, The Teasdale Album has finally found its way to the world! This is a unique fusion of the lyrical poetry of Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) with 21st-Century electronic synth-pop. Carefully crafting each song has taken a very long time, but here’s hoping you like the result! Learn more about why it took 15 years, the album’s entire backstory, and each song by reading the track-by-track notes/commentary.

It is my intention to donate streaming revenue from this album to the Virginia and Missouri chapters of the charity American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Why this charity? Tragically, at age 48, Sara took her own life after battling depression and illnesses. Sara was born in St. Louis, Missouri and was buried there, thus the choice for Missouri’s AFSP chapter. I was born in Virginia and have lived here for most of my life, and thus wanted to support the Virginia chapter of AFSP.

In addition, I have produced music videos for most tracks and posted them on his Facebook page and YouTube channel.